(San Francisco, CA) The fascination of space continues to be a strong attractive force. Additionally, space exploration and pioneering, as it appears, doesn’t really stop. Recently; Capella Space revealed that, it has launched into space the first small synthetic aperture radar (S.A.R.) satellite. This small S.A.R. satellite is named, Denali. Through Denali, Capella Space plans to further develop its proprietary technology and operations. The end result; as it is hoped for, is hourly delivery of information and imagery for the commercial markets. Furthermore; other business colleagues of Capella Space have taken notice, and, are commenting.
In order to take notice and comment, the launch information is needed. The launch of Denali occurred on November 19th, 2018. Additionally, it was sent up on a Spaceflight S.S.O.-A Mission. The latter, is a small satellite rideshare mission. The space rocket was a Space X Falcon 9 rocket. The actual launch took place at Vandenberg Air Force Base, in California U.S.A. Payam Banazadeh is the Founder and C.E.O. of Capella Space. Through a press statement, Mr. Banazadeh said the following. “Capella is deploying proven technologies in entirely new ways and we’re committed to making vital information from space more accessible than ever before. Today’s launch is an important step in advancing the use of Earth observation data as an essential tool for commerce, conservation and well-being in the 21st century.” Payam Banazadeh also said. “We believe continuous coverage of the constant change taking place across our planet will improve quality of life and understanding worldwide.”
Capella Space operates a command center for Denali, in San Francisco, California U.S.A. To start, the team at the command center conducted a series of tests and evaluations. The aforementioned; was to be able to gauge performance, imaging capabilities, acquisition capabilities and downlink capabilities. Second and after the initial series of tests, the focus of the mission changed. Capella Space then continued with plans, to further develop and optimize its radar technology. It is believed that, the radar technology is capable of detecting millimeter-scale changes, on the surface of the Planet Earth. The radar technology is onboard Denali’s antenna. The antenna itself, was originally folded into an origami configuration. In orbit, the antenna unfolded into an impressive 100 ft². Impressive because; it has embedded advanced electronics components that can beam data down, and, capture conditions on the surface of the Earth. As previously said, Capella Space is aiming for the commercial markets. Furthermore; commodity trading, agriculture, food security, defense, monitoring of global infrastructure are the types of commercial market applications that Capella Space is hoping for.
To end; business colleagues of Capella Space have taken notice, and, they are commenting. Curt Blake is the President of Spaceflight. Through a press statement, Mr. Blake said the following. “Spaceflight’s SSO-A mission launched the largest number of satellites from a U.S.-based vehicle, an important milestone for rideshare and the smallsat industry. Amongst the onboard payloads was Capella’s spacecraft, the first commercial SAR satellite from a U.S. company. Capella is an innovative leader in the smallsat industry and we’re honored to have played a role in helping them access space.” Curt Blake also said. “Today’s launch represented many firsts for American aerospace.” Antoine Rostand is the C.E.O. of Kayrros. Through a press statement, Mr. Rostand said the following. “We view access to reliable and accurate satellite data, updated hourly, as critical. Capella has impressed us not just with the breadth of their vision, but also with their strategic plan to rapidly deploy new space-based capabilities that simply do not exist anywhere else. We view Capella as an essential partner in turning data into the superior insights that give Kayrros customers a real market edge.” Up to this date, Capella Space is the only and first U.S.A. based company that has developed and launched a radar satellite, which is intended for the commercial markets. As previously stated, Capella Space has revealed that it has launched into space, the first small synthetic aperture radar (S.A.R.) satellite. This small S.A.R. satellite is named Denali; after the tallest mountain in the U.S.A. Through Denali, Capella Space plans to develop a product for the commercial markets. Lastly, the product is hourly delivery of information and imagery that, will have commercial applications.
Written from Press Release
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