(Arlington, VA) Commonly known as PAE, Pacific Architects and Engineers continues to be vital to the U.S. Government. Vital as in reference to the consulting, logistics and professional services it performs for the U.S. Government. The latter; were performed for the U.S. Government’s counter terrorism efforts, and, counter-threat efforts. Recently, PAE was awarded a $75.2 million USD contract. The aforementioned contract is with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and specifically, for the Bio Watch Program of the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office.
The previously mentioned, Bio Watch Program, is a federal program in several major U.S. cities. The objective of the program is to detect airborne biological threats, in those specific cities. PAE successfully secured the multi-million dollar contract, because, it has qualified and specialized professionals currently on the payroll. Experts in counter weapons of mass destruction, experts of chemical weapons, biological experts, radiological experts, nuclear experts and explosives experts are some examples of the professionals that; are on the PAE payroll. John Heller is the Chief Executive Officer of PAE. Through a press statement, Mr. Heller said the following. “This new opportunity stems from our growing base of experts specializing in counter-WMD and CBRNE solutions. We’re proud that we can meet the needs of the U.S. government as it works to ensure the safety of us all.”
For the Bio Watch Program, scientists from PAE will work in laboratories. The laboratories are located in the cities that, are part of the Bio Watch Program. Inside the laboratories, the PAE scientists will support the monitoring systems. The latter, is the frontline and early warning system that, detects airborne attacks. The data from the laboratories then becomes part, of the Bio Watch network of air sensors. Major events, like the Super Bowl, are also monitored. PAE learned, or obtained, this level of expertise through the U.S.A.’s War on Terror. During the previously mentioned war; PAE worked with the intelligence community, and, the Department of Defense. The effort was to develop counter-threat solutions, in order, to continue doing work in other countries. Additionally, and for more than a decade, PAE worked counter-threat efforts in the countries of Iraq and Afghanistan. As a result; the U.S. Government relies on PAE, and, PAE is vital to the U.S. Government.
To end and for the business side, PAE reported $2.1 billion USD in profits, for the year 2016. The owner of Pacific Architects and Engineers, is Platinum Equity. Overall, PAE is in business in more than 70 countries, around the world. The business operations are being a service provider of global logistics, stability operations, technical services and national security solutions. PAE is headquartered out of Arlington, Virginia U.S.A. As previously stated, Pacific Architects and Engineers continues to be vital to the U.S. Government. The aforementioned business, was recently awarded, a $75.2 million USD contract. Lastly; the contract is with the U.S. Department of Homeland Security, and specifically, for the Bio Watch Program of the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office.
Written from Press Release
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PR Newswire Association, LLC
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