Title Boxing Club Expands to California, Arizona and Nevada

(Los Angeles, CA) For potential, or future, franchise business owners the time to buy a franchise business, appears to be now.  In fact, the health & fitness sector of the economy is currently experiencing, a strong and explosive growth.  The previously said, is being pushed forward by the business law of demand.  Recently; a franchisor of boutique boxing & fitness franchises announced that it is expanding to the states of California, Arizona and Nevada.  The previously noted states, are obviously, located in the U.S.A.  Additionally, Title Boxing Club is the franchisor of boutique boxing & fitness franchises.  The plan for the expansion is the implementation of its strategic, geographically targeted growth model.  As part of the previously said; Title Boxing Club will open 50 new franchises throughout California, Arizona and Nevada.

          Specifically and for the states of California, Arizona and Nevada; there are targeted development areas.  For example and for California the targeted development areas are; San Diego County, Orange County, Los Angeles County and the City of San Francisco.  For the State of Arizona the targeted development area is, the City of Phoenix.  For the State of Nevada the targeted development area is, the City of Las Vegas.  Title Boxing Club’s expansion plan, interestingly, can be broken down in the following way.  For San Diego County, the plan is to open 5 new boutique boxing & fitness franchises.  For Los Angeles County, the plan is to open 12 new boutique boxing & fitness franchises.  For Orange County, the plan is to open 10 new boutique boxing & fitness franchises.  For the City of San Francisco, the plan is to open 7 new boutique boxing & fitness franchises.  For the City of Phoenix, the plan is to open 10 new boutique boxing & fitness franchises.  Finally and for the City of Las Vegas, the plan is to open 5 new boutique boxing & fitness franchises.

          Title Boxing Club, is owned by the Franworth Company.  Franworth is a franchise development company.  Currently, Franworth operates the following franchise business brands:  Title Boxing Club, City Row, Stavia, Sweetwaters Coffee and Tea and The Lash Lounge.  Since its launch in the year 2008, Title Boxing Club has been recognized by Entrepreneur Magazine.  Being placed on the list of Franchise 500 and the list of Inc. 5,000 are examples of the recognition that, this business has received from Entrepreneur Magazine.

          To end, Title Boxing Club did release a press statement.  Susan Boresow is the President of Title Boxing Club.  Through a press statement, Ms./Mrs. Boresow said the following.  We’ve seen consistent growth in our home region of the Midwest and the East Coast, recently selling out in Manhattan.  Now it’s all about duplicating that success on the West Coast, where fitness is engrained in the culture.  It’s an incredible opportunity.  Our geographically targeted growth model has been created to provide an infrastructure to help grow and support our franchisees with the proper operations, marketing guidance and ongoing training needed to ensure their success.”  As previously stated, the health & fitness sector of the economy is currently, experiencing strong and explosive growth.  The previously said, is being pushed forward by an equally strong demand.  Additionally; Title Boxing Club, a franchisor of boutique boxing & fitness franchises, recently announced an expansion.  This expansion includes the states of California, Arizona and Nevada.  Title Boxing Club’s plan for the expansion is the implementation of its strategic, geographically targeted growth model.  Lastly; and as part of the previously said, the aforementioned business will open 50 new franchises, in the previously noted states of the U.S.A.



Written from Press Release

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