Tunc Doluca Releases a Non-Fiction Book

(San Jose, CA) In the year 2007; Tunc Doluca, achieved the following job title positions.  The job title positions are President, and, Chief Executive Officer of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.  The aforementioned business; is considered to be, a premiere and iconic manufacturer of analog and mixed signal, integrated circuits.  Additionally, one could argue that achieving the aforementioned job title positions, was decades of dedicated hard work.  Furthermore, decades of hard work that started when the history of the Silicon Valley, was just beginning.  Recently, Tunc Doluca revealed that, he has released a non-fiction book.  The non-fiction book is entitled, Maximum Impact.  In, Maximum Impact, Mr. Tunc Doluca attempts to tell a story as two parallel lines.  One line that is parallel, is his story.  The second line that is parallel, is Jack Gifford’s story.  The aforementioned person, is the Founder of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.  Finally; Tunc Doluca’s business colleagues have noticed, and, they have commented.

          The notice and comments, from Tunc Doluca’s business colleagues, are all positive in nature.  Matthew Massengill, Rick Hill, Steve Taranovich, Ray Zinn, Matt Murphy and William Wong have all positively commented about Maximum Impact.  Additionally, the aforementioned persons are also business colleagues of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. (NASDAQ:  MXIM).  Matthew Massengill is the Chairman of the Board of the Western Digital Corporation.  Through a press statement, Mr. Massengill said the following.  “[Maximum Impact] Provides a fascinating behind-the-scenes view into the creation of one of the most successful technology companies in history.  It captures the brash, courageous and often outrageous character of the founders of the early semiconductor industry.”  Rick Hill is the Chairman of the Board of the Marvell Technology Group, Ltd. (NASDAQ:  MRVL).  Through a press statement, Mr. Hill said the following.  “ ‘Maximum Impact’ captures a snapshot of the ‘characters of Silicon Valley.’  Jack Gifford was a model of knowledge, skills and abilities with a few quirks to go along!  He and his team are some of the legendary greats in the Valley.”  Steve Taranovich is the Senior Technical Editor of the EDN Network (Analog and Power), and, the Editor in Chief of Planet Analog.  Through a press statement, Mr. Taranovich said the following.  “This is my kind of book.  It shows the highs and the lows, successes and stresses of Maxim in that highly competitive semiconductor business.  This book is for anyone interested in how a fledgling company pushes through its growing pains, endures challenges and celebrates its people.”  Ray Zinn is the Chief Executive Officer of Micrel Semiconductor.  Through a press statement, Mr. Zinn said the following.  “I look at Jack [Gifford] and Maxim as premier examples of what the semiconductor industry is really all about.  I encourage anyone who is interested in how to start and run a successful company to read this great book.”  Matt Murphy is the Chief Executive Officer of Marvell Semiconductor.  Through a press statement, Mr. Murphy said the following.  Maximum Impact, is the story of a truly great Silicon Valley company and the visionary leader who made an enormous impact on the semiconductor industry during his storied career.”  William Wong is the Senior Technology Editor at Electronic Design.  Through a press statement, Mr. Wong said the following.  “I have watched many electronics companies come and go.  Maxim Integrated is one I have watched for a long time.  ‘Maximum Impact’ is a great story that puts Silicon Valley’s rise into context and provides an inside look at Maxim’s growth and many challenges.” 

          As previously said, Tunc Doluca attempts to tell a story as two parallel lines in, Maximum Impact.  Specifically, a non-fiction story that, starts when the history of the Silicon Valley was just beginning.  The journey that, is told in Maximum Impact, is of an exceptional cast of people.  These people created, Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.  They were all passionate about an analog chip, and they were also, passionate about becoming a manufacturer of analog chips.  In reference to Jack Gifford’s side of this story, he is the charismatic founder.  In reference to Tunc Doluca’s side of this story, he is there, as part or member of the exceptional cast of people.  As the author of this non-fiction book, Mr. Tunc Doluca attempts to provide a very unique historical perspective.  Interestingly, this historical perspective does have a purpose.  The purpose is to explore, how, Maxim’s company culture was developed.  Additionally, to share with the reader the notion that; perseverance, and, dedication can build a successful technology business.  Today, Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. has almost 10,000 products, under, its analog and mixed signal integrated circuit portfolio.  The latter, are for the following sectors of the economy; automotive, industrial, healthcare, mobile consumer and internet cloud data center.

          To end, Tunc Doluca started to work at Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., when the aforementioned business was in its first days.  From inside; Maxim Integrated Products, Inc., he was part of the semiconductor revolution that, took place in the Silicon Valley.  Today; he is credited with having more than 30 years of executive leadership experience, and, technical experience.  His technical experience is under, the semiconductor industry.  As a result, of this technical experience, he currently sits on three boards of directors.  The boards of directors are for the businesses; Maxim Integrated, the Semiconductor Industry Association (S.I.A.) and Western Digital.  As previously stated, Tunc Doluca recently revealed that, he has released a non-fiction book.  The non-fiction book is entitled, Maximum Impact.  In, Maximum Impact, Mr. Tunc Doluca attempts to tell a story as two parallel lines.  One line that is parallel, is his story.  The second line that is parallel, is Jack Gifford’s story.  The aforementioned person, is the Founder of Maxim Integrated Products, Inc.  Lastly; Tunc Doluca’s business colleagues have noticed, and, they have commented.



Written from Press Release

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Tunc Doluca


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