(Los Angeles, CA) The contemporary media company, Timbuktu Labs, was founded in the year 2012. Additionally, Elena Favilli and Francesca Cavallo are the credited founders. In reference to the publishing side; Timbuktu Labs is recognized for developing an innovative intersection of design, technology and e-commerce. One well known and recognized product, of the aforementioned media company, is a book series for children. This children’s book series is referred to as, the Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. After a successful product launch, the podcast quickly followed; interestingly. Overall, this contemporary approach to book publishing, is given definition by a purpose. The purpose is to inspire in girls the drive to become pioneers, champions, warriors, leaders and creators. Recently; Timbuktu Labs announced that, it continues to believe in the purpose that gave definition to, the Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. Specifically, the aforementioned modern media company revealed that, Rebel Girls will continue as two products. These two products are the Rebel Girls Brand, and, the Rebel Girls Chapter Book Series.
Timbuktu Labs’ The Rebel Girls Chapter Book Series, and, the Rebel Girls Brand are expected to extend; a popular culture phenomenon. Interestingly, the previously mentioned Timbuktu Labs’ products, as a popular culture phenomenon, are credited with the ability to inspire girls. However and returning to, the Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. This children’s book series, is a combination of the following three things. The combination is thought provoking stories, creative expression and business innovation. The Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls book series, is also, a collaborative project. In order to complete this project, there are professional people working around the world. The City of Los Angeles, the City of New York City, the City of Atlanta, Merida Mexico, London UK/Britain and Milan Italy are the homes of these professional people.
Returning to, the Rebel Girls Brand, the aforementioned brand or imprint will continue to publish books. In particular, fiction books that are written by women that, are also non-binary authors. These authors will write fiction books that will be published under the genres; juvenile, board book, picture book, chapter book, middle grade, young adult and graphic novels. The aforementioned brand of books will also attempt to, accentuate the female characters of the fiction books. For example, the accentuation will be done through, the highlighting of the individual female character’s background.
Returning to, the Rebel Girls Chapter Book Series, the aforementioned will be made up of four books; initially. All of the fiction books are intended for girls, who are 6 to 9 years old. For each book, a female character will be in the middle of things. This female character will confront a serious subject, in an imaginative way. The first two books, are all set and ready for a November 12th, 2019 release date. Additionally; the first two books are entitled Ada Lovelace Cracks the Code, and, Madam C.J. Walker Builds a Business. Both books will have color illustrations, and, activities. The activities are designed to teach the readers about the fundamentals of coding, and, entrepreneurship. The third and fourth books are not yet titled; however, two premises have been developed. The first developed premise, is based on Kenyan activist Wangari Maathai. Wangari Maathai, is the first woman from the African Continent to win a Nobel Prize. The second developed premise, is based on Japanese mountaineer Junko Tabei. Junko Tabei, is the first woman to reach Mount Everest’s summit.
To end, Timbuktu Labs did release a press statement. Elena Favilli is a Co-Founder and the Chief Executive Officer of Timbuktu Labs. Through a press statement, Ms./Mrs. Favilli said the following. “I’m excited to announce that we are launching the Rebel Girls Imprint. It has always been our mission to empower women and girls through the act of storytelling. Now we are taking the next step in raising the voices of young, female writers. As a writer and entrepreneur myself, I understand first-hand how difficult it can be to find your place in the publishing industry. Through the Rebel Girls Imprint, we are creating a safe and trusted space for writers eager to break the mold.” Elena Favilli also said. “We reached out directly to our readership base for new content ideas, and there was a unanimous demand for a Rebel Girls Chapter Book Series. I really had a wonderful time writing Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls, but because all of these women had such captivating lives, it was hard to contain their stories in a single page. This chapter book series gives us an opportunity to dive deeper into the lives of the women who inspired us the most. They deserve books solely dedicated to them—their hardships, their accomplishments, everything they endured as women. We want their full stories to be told.” As previously stated; Timbuktu Labs recently announced that, it continues to believe in the purpose that gave definition to, the Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls. Specifically, the aforementioned modern media company revealed that, Rebel Girls will continue as two products. Lastly; these two products are the Rebel Girls Brand, and, the Rebel Girls Chapter Book Series.
Written from Press Release
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