(Minneapolis, MN) The Safe Sport Authorization Act, is also known as, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017. The goal is to help protect, young athletes. In order to accomplish the goal, the Safe Sport Authorization Act, also establishes, the United States Center for Safe Sport. Coincidentally, the NBC Sports Group owns a very fascinating business that, is related to the Safe Sport Authorization Act. This fascinating business is named, Sports Engine, Inc. The latter; aims at helping youth athletes play smarter, through, a relationship management software that is designed for sports. This software reduces the time that, is spent on performing administrative tasks. As a result; the sports organization, league or association has more time ensuring that young athletes are safe and not abused. Coaches, parents, athletes, clubs, leagues, governing bodies and associations all benefit from the use of Sportsengine.com. In reference to, the Safe Sport Authorization Act, Sports Engine, Inc. owns the National Center for Safety Initiatives (N.C.S.I.). The latter, conducts background checks. Recently; Sports Engine, Inc. announced that, it has achieved a milestone that, is related to the Safe Sport Authorization Act. Specifically, the aforementioned business revealed that, it has conducted 1 million background checks or screenings. Technically; the 1 million background checks were conducted, through, the National Center for Safety Initiatives (N.C.S.I.).
N.C.S.I. as part of its commitment to ensure the safety of the young athlete, comprehensively reviewed one million people; according to Sports Engine, Inc. of the NBC Sports Group. This effort is also part of the commitment to make, Sportsengine.com, a premier software platform. However and returning to, the Safe Sport Authorization Act, the aforementioned is the combination of two bills. The first bill was, S. 534 Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse Act. The sponsoring U.S. Senator was Senator Feinstein, and, the introduction date was March 6th, 2017. The second bill was, S. 1426 the United States Center for Safe Sport Authorization Act. The sponsoring U.S. Senator was Senator Thune, and, the introduction date was June 29th, 2017. Following subsequent negotiations, the two bills were merged into one. Ultimately, President Donald Trump on February 14th, 2018 signed into law, the Protecting Young Victims from Sexual Abuse and Safe Sport Authorization Act of 2017.
Returning to; N.C.S.I., the aforementioned organization and as previously said, is owned by Sports Engine, Inc. The acquisition was completed in the year, 2017. Additionally, Southeastern Security Consultants, Inc. (S.S.C.I.), was also acquired during this time. Ultimately; Sports Engine, Inc. decided to merge Southeastern Consultants, into, the National Center for Safety Initiatives. The idea was to make, Sportsengine.com, a premier software platform. Through Sportsengine.com, a complete safety solution is available. The previously said; is made up of background checks, and, abuse prevention training. Additionally, everything meets the requirements that are stipulated, in the Safe Sport Authorization Act. Today; the National Center for Safety Initiatives performs its background check or screening service for youth sports leagues, national governing bodies, recreation groups, parks and other types of civic organizations. Trish Sylvia is a Co-Founder of the National Center for Safety Initiatives. Through a press statement, Ms./Mrs. Sylvia said the following. “At NCSI, we know from our nearly two decades of experience that effective background screening has proven to reduce harm and mitigate risks, but we also know that it should never be the ‘be all, end all’.” Trish Sylvia also said. “In addition to background checks, organizations need abuse prevention training, incident reporting and response systems in place through the use of technology to provide a comprehensive and secure approach to athlete safety. NCSI is honored to be part of SportsEngine’s industry-leading safety program and its ongoing focus on helping to ensure the safety of today’s youth athletes.”
Rob Connor is the Commissioner and the Vice President of the Babe Ruth League. Through a press statement, Mr. Connor said the following. “We’re proud to partner with SportsEngine as our safety program provider. We took it upon ourselves to really evaluate the differences in the marketplace for background checks and we learned that while many companies may offer them, not all background checks are created equal.” Rob Connor also said. “Leagues need to do their homework and really compare not just the differences in the level of the background check but also the overall service provided. The level of service that SportsEngine has provided for us working together in tandem has been outstanding—they’ve been a terrific partner.”
To end, Sports Engine, Inc. did release a press statement. Brian Bell is the President of Sports Engine, Inc. Through a press statement, Mr. Bell said the following. “We are proud to announce that we’ve reached this milestone of completing 1 million background checks. Helping to ensure that youth sports are safe is not only a priority at SportsEngine, it’s a moral imperative that we believe in wholeheartedly. As we work every day to fulfill our mission of getting more kids involved in sports, and simplifying the lives of parents, coaches and administrators, we also want to do our part to ensure athlete safety, on and off the field. At the end of the day, nothing else matters.” As previously stated; Sports Engine, Inc. recently announced that, it has achieved a milestone that, is related to the Safe Sport Authorization Act. Specifically, the aforementioned business revealed that, it has conducted 1 million background checks or screenings. Lastly and technically; the 1 million background checks were conducted, through, the National Center for Safety Initiatives (N.C.S.I.).
Written from Press Release
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