(Los Angeles, CA) Chronic illnesses are also known as, chronic conditions. For the most part, chronic illnesses are considered to be non-communicable diseases. In other words, the cause of the chronic illness is a non-infectious source. However, there is a minority of cases, were an infection is the cause of the chronic illness. Due to recent advancements in the availability of medication; H.I.V./A.I.D.S., is a perfect example of the previously stated. Fascinatingly, it is believed that in the United States of America, 25% of the adult population has at least two chronic illnesses. Additionally, it is also believed that in the U.S.A., 45% or 133 million Americans have one chronic illness. Recently, Kelly Noonan Gores announced that, root causes of chronic illnesses deserve attention. Specifically, the aforementioned author revealed that, she has released a non-fiction book. The non-fiction book is entitled, Heal. In; Heal, Ms./Mrs. Noonan Gores highlights the science and spirituality that, is needed in order to recover from illness or injury.
The recovery from illness or injury, according to Kelly Noonan Gores, is through an interconnection of science and spirituality. Additionally and through this interconnectedness; thoughts, beliefs and emotions end up having a big impact on a person’s health. This notion, is made possible by the following book publishing company. Officially, the book publishing company is, Atria Books/Beyond Words. However and returning to, chronic illnesses, the aforementioned are technically human health conditions. The term disease, can be used. As a health condition, the effects are persistent and long lasting. As a disease, the manifestation can occur after waiting a long time. The term chronic is used, because, it is implied that the course of the disease has lasted for more than three months. In reference to either terms, human health conditions or diseases, the following is true. Chronic illnesses can be characterized as having periods of remission, and, relapse. The most common or reported chronic illnesses are arthritis, asthma, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes, hepatitis C and H.I.V./A.I.D.S.
Returning to, Heal, the aforementioned non-fiction book is one way Kelly Noon Gores shares a belief. The belief is that, the human body has an innate ability to heal. Additionally, the healing occurs through, a mind body connection. In order to explore this idea more deeply; Ms./Mrs. Noonan Gores consulted with scientists, and, spiritual leaders. The aforementioned and through; Heal, share with the reader several techniques, results of research and discoveries. Additionally, the sharing is meant to be something that provokes thinking. Kelly Noonan Gores does hope that these consulting experts, will be able to give the readers substantive thoughts. In turn; that these thoughts, will be able to provide answers to difficult questions that, arise from the struggle of living with a chronic illness. For example; what works, what doesn’t work and why are examples of the answers to the questions about living with a chronic illness. The actual narrative of Heal, is two people, on a healing journey. From this point, the consulting experts jump in, to provide thought provoking testimonials. Bruce Lipton, Ph.D., Deepak Chopra, M.D., Anthony William, Anita Moorjani, Marianne Williamson, Kelly Brogan, M.D. and Dr. Joe Dispenza are the consulting experts.
Dr. Joe Dispenza did release a press statement. Through a press statement, Dr. Dispenza said the following. “If you break your arm or develop appendicitis, your first choice should be to seek medical care. However, to actually heal from chronic health conditions requires a lifestyle change. Simply taking a drug or a handful of drugs to mitigate your health condition is not healing. To truly heal, you must change the way you think, act, and feel.”
To end; Kelly Noonan Gores is a writer, director and producer. Currently, she is known as a documentary filmmaker. Additionally, she did release a press statement. Through a press statement, Ms./Mrs. Noonan Gores said the following. “The intention of this book is to flip on the switch of awareness, illuminating what’s really at the root of the chronic illness epidemic and what is truly possible when it comes to healing. The latest science reveals that we are not always victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis.” Kelly Noonan Gores also said. “The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe. This book will empower you with a new understanding of the miraculous human body and the extraordinary healing potential within us all.” As previously stated, Kelly Noonan Gores recently announced that, root causes of chronic illnesses deserve attention. Specifically, the aforementioned author revealed that, she has released a non-fiction book. The non-fiction book is entitled, Heal. In; Heal, Ms./Mrs. Noonan Gores highlights the science and spirituality that, is needed in order to recover from illness or injury. Lastly, the book publishing company is, Atria Books/Beyond Words.
Written from Press Release
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