Angeles, CA) Augmented reality
(A.R.) is completely different than, virtual reality (V.R.). In fact, virtual reality replaces the user’s real
world, with a simulated world. In
contrast, augmented reality attempts to be an immersive aspect of the real
world. Additionally, this experience is
considered to be a seamless interweaving of the real world with, a simulated
world. Furthermore, there are two ways
in which sensorial information, can be added to an augmented reality
experience. The two ways are;
constructive, and, destructive.
Constructive means that sensorial information can be added to the real
world, or, natural environment.
Destructive means that sensorial information can be masked/hidden from
the real world, or, natural environment.
Meanwhile and out of its Seoul South Korea
headquarters office, CJ 4DPLEX, is leading the way through innovation. Technically, the aforementioned business’s
innovations are all geared towards, the entertainment sector of the
economy. Recently; CJ 4DPLEX announced
that, CES 2020 was the perfect place for the uncovering, of something
groundbreaking. Specifically, the
aforementioned business revealed that, it has unveiled a highly innovative 4DX
A.R. Platform. The latter; is meant for
indoor use, and, it is meant to be used by businesses in the gaming and
entertainment sectors of the economy.
For this effort, CJ 4DPLEX collaborated with Resonai.
The collaboration with Resonai,
which produced CJ 4DPLEX’s 4DX A.R. Platform, is also based on hope. The hope is that, the 4DX A.R. Platform, will
open up other types of business opportunities; for business clients. However and returning to, CJ 4DPLEX, the
aforementioned business has received positive recognitions. In fact, and for the years 2017 and 2019, CJ
4DPLEX was named Most Innovative Company.
This recognition was from Fast Company, and, for the live events awards category. Additionally, and for the years 2015 and
2018, CJ 4DPLEX, was awarded Silver Edison Awards. These Silver Edison
Awards, where for the media and visual communications-entertainment; awards
category. For the business side of
things, CJ 4DPLEX, operates two international offices. These two international offices are located
in Los Angeles U.S.A.,
and, in Beijing China. Aside of its international offices, CJ
4DPLEX, is the creator of three premium formats that, are meant for movie
theaters. The three premium formats are;
4DX, Screen X and 4DX with Screen X (4DX Screen). The previous premium formats, give the movie
theater audience an experience that, was once thought to be impossible.
Returning to; CJ 4DPLEX’s 4DX A.R.
Platform, the aforementioned and as previously said, is a collaborative effort
with Resonai. Specifically, CJ 4DPLEX
tasked into service Resonai’s Vera. The
previous, is an artificial intelligence (A.I.), and, augmented reality (A.R.)
platform. Through the use of Resonai’s
Vera, the 4DX A.R. Platform, is changing the conventional A.R. experience. For example and to start, the A.R. glasses
are being left behind to be forgotten.
Replacing the A.R. glasses, is the ordinary smart telephone. CJ 4DPLEX’s 4DX A.R. Platform, whilst in use
by a smart telephone, runs a highly innovative and integrated computer vision
technology. The previous means that, any
physical space can now be converted, into, an intelligent digital environment. As previously stated; the 4DX A.R. Platform
is meant for indoor use, and, it is meant to be used by businesses in the
gaming and entertainment sectors of the economy. The envisioned indoor spaces are; large
retail stores, movie theaters, shopping malls and theme parks. Interestingly, CJ 4DPLEX did specify that, the
4DX A.R. Platform can be used to develop navigation guides. Obviously, these possible navigation guides
would also be, an A.R. experience.
To end, CJ 4DPLEX did release a
press statement. JongRyul Kim is the
Chief Executive Officer of CJ 4DPLEX.
Through a press statement, Mr. Kim said the following. “We are excited to showcase our indoor AR
platform at CES 2020. There are endless
possibilities for how to develop this platform into a viable commercial
product, and we look forward to collaborating with content providers and
exhibitors who are interested in showing customers a new way to experience AR
games.” As previously stated; CJ 4DPLEX
recently announced that, CES 2020 was the perfect place for the uncovering, of
something groundbreaking. Specifically,
the aforementioned business revealed that, it has unveiled a highly innovative
4DX A.R. Platform. The latter; is meant
for indoor use, and, it is meant to be used by businesses in the gaming and
entertainment sectors of the economy.
Lastly and for this effort, CJ 4DPLEX collaborated with Resonai.
from Press Release
Writer with
Newswire Association, LLC
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