VA) The pandemic chronology of the
coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (S.A.R.S.-COV-2),
begins in Wuhan, the Country of
China. Now called, the 2019-20
Coronavirus Pandemic; how everything begins starts on November 17th, 2019. On the previously mentioned date, a 55 year
old man became the first confirmed case, of the coronavirus. It is believed that, he contracted this
disease on this date; November 17th, 2019. On January
1st, 2020, Chinese authorities estimated that, 266
people had already been infected. It is
also believed that, these people contracted the disease, before the year
2020. On January 4th, 2020, Ho Pak-leung from the University
of Hong Kong’s Center for
Infection, issued a warning. The warning
was that, the city itself should implement a strict monitoring system. What should be monitored is a mysterious new
viral pneumonia, which has already infected dozens of people. Additionally, this new viral pneumonia, is
indeed spreading from one person to another.
Recently; Comscore, Inc. announced that, it has been collecting
television data, about, the 2019-20 Coronavirus Pandemic. Specifically, the aforementioned business
revealed that, it has released preliminary data about the television coverage. Officially, the preliminary data about the
2019-20 Coronavirus Pandemic television coverage is divided into three
categories; viewing trends by age, viewing trends by yearly household income
level and viewing trends by ethnicity.
Viewing trends by ethnicity, viewing
trends by yearly household income level and viewing trends by age;
preliminarily reveal that millions of American are watching television. Specifically, these Americans are watching,
local television stations. Additionally,
and overall the audience is a diverse group.
However and returning to, the coronavirus pandemic chronology, the
aforementioned continues, with the month of March 2020. On March
11th, 2020; the U.S.A.’s
National Collegiate Athletic Association announced that, its annual basketball
championship tournament, will be held without spectators. The championship tournament, was originally
scheduled for the middle of March, to, early April. A second event; which occurred on March 11th, 2020, is that
the U.S.A.’s
National Basketball Association announced that, it has suspended what remains
of the 2020 NBA Season. A third event;
which occurred on March 11th,
2020, is that U.S. President Donald Trump announced that travel
into the U.S.A.,
from Europe has been suspended for 30 days. At this time, the only exemption is the UK/Britain. On March
13th, 2020, U.S. President Donald Trump, declared a
National State of Emergency. This
action, allocated approximately $50 billion USD from the U.S. Federal
Government. The purpose is relief
Returning to, Comscore’s preliminary
data, the aforementioned is centered on television viewers. These television viewers, Americans, are now
entering a new month staying in their respective homes. They are staying at home, due to public
health measures. As previously said,
they are watching local television stations.
Additionally, the preliminary data about the 2019-20 Coronavirus
Pandemic television coverage is divided into three categories; viewing trends
by age, viewing trends by yearly household income level and viewing trends by ethnicity. Furthermore, the preliminary data is for
households in the top 25 television markets, of the U.S.A. First, the data was collected across two
weeks. The two weeks are; March 9th, 2020, and, March 16th, 2020. Second, the data was compared to, the week of
March 18th, 2019;
the previous year. Initially, the
preliminary data reveals that, watching television has increased by 13%.
Continuing with, the data
categories, the aforementioned reveal the following information. All data categories are for the U.S.A.’s
top 25 television markets. First,
viewing trends by age, this category is made up of the following two age
groups. The age groups are; 18 to 34,
and, 35 to 54. The first age group, 18
to 34, shows an increase of 38%.
Meanwhile, the second age group, 35 to 54, shows an increase of
35%. A general age group, 50 years of
age and older shows an increase of 12%; according to Comscore’s preliminary
data. As previously said, the
preliminary data is in comparison to the week of, March 18th, 2019. Second, viewing trends by yearly household
income level, this category is made up of three income groups. The three income groups are; $0-$74,999 USD,
$75,000-$99,999 USD and $100,000 USD and more.
As previously said, these Americans are watching local television
stations. Overall, the combination of
the income levels, saw an increase of more than a million households. The income group, which saw the largest
increase is $75,000-99,999 USD. The
latter, shows an increase of 50%.
Regrettably, Comscore, Inc. did not reveal more information. However; and according to Comscore, Inc. the
San Francisco, Dallas and other Midwest metropolitan areas experienced the most
increased television watching. At the
same time, the Seattle and New
York television markets, experienced below average
television watching. Third, viewing
trends by ethnicity, this category only talks about Hispanic and Asian-American
households. For these two households,
the week of March 16th,
2020, was used. For Hispanic
households, television watching increased by 42%. Meanwhile, and for Asian-American households,
television watching increased by 62%.
For both ethnic groups, television watching has increased by
approximately two million households.
Extrapolated, and based on the previous statistic, Hispanic households
increased by approximately 500,000 households.
To end, Comscore, Inc. (NASDAQ: SCOR) did release a press statement. Bill Livek is the Chief Executive Officer of
Comscore, Inc. Through a press
statement, Mr. Livek said the following.
“American households are watching more and more local news across key
demographic segments. Advertisers and
their agencies can fine-tune their media planning and buying by continuing to
work with Comscore to understand these ongoing shifts in local television
viewing as engagement remains at unprecedented levels.” As previously stated; Comscore, Inc. recently
announced that, it has been collecting television data, about, the 2019-20
Coronavirus Pandemic. Specifically, the
aforementioned business revealed that, it has released preliminary data about
the television coverage. Officially, the
preliminary data about the 2019-20 Coronavirus Pandemic television coverage is
divided into three categories; viewing trends by age, viewing trends by yearly
household income level and viewing trends by ethnicity. Lastly and specifically, these Americans are
watching, local television stations.
from Press Release
Writer with
Newswire Association, LLC
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